This is a set of analysis tools for the Martini lipid model used in Gromacs. It was developed and optimized for use with carbon nanotubes, but can in many cases be used for membrane proteins as well.
据新的研究披露,只要大小合适,碳纳米管过滤水的功效会优于生物蛋白。这些结果为新型水过滤系统做好了准备,因为现在 ...
Figure 1: AFM techniques to characterize and manipulate biological systems on the nanometre scale. Molecular interactions make up the basic language of all biological processes. They determine how ...
Daniel Flaherty's lab in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology. Her research looks at how mutations in PorA and PorB porins and the mtr efflux pump effect the rate of ...
Outer membrane proteins such as two porins and TolBC showed significant abundance differences between the fractions, with highest relative abundance in fraction XS and lowest abundance in fractions L.
Understanding how bacteria control the entry and efflux of chemicals helps us to explain and possibly reverse antimicrobial drug resistance. Even when antimicrobials gain access via porins, they are ...
Generates a Martini model for an open carbon nanotube (CNT) for use with the Gromacs simulation package. It provides a structure file (.gro), a topology-include file ...
membrane porins, motility, and biofilm formation; and via anti-quorum sensing effects." You just spent an hour vacuuming all of your rugs and carpet. You've won the battle against pet hair ...
This paper examines the mechanism of signal transmission through the histidine kinase PhoQ. The paper nicely describes a model of signaling by allosteric coupling between individual domains rather ...
Studies in a similar direction also led to the discovery of porins, which function as a molecular sieve, preventing the influx of large or lipophilic agents. However, the observed resistance levels to ...
In these MDR pathogens a major contribution to intrinsic and acquired resistance comes from the changes in the outer and inner membrane composition, i.e. from the alterations in the structure of outer ...