The accuracy of OSAS prediction based on history and physical examination is poor, therefore, the current recommendation is to refer symptomatic children to polysomnographic evaluation.
Only one study, which was published in abstract form, evaluated the polysomnographic and clinical effects of trazodone in women with fibromyalgia. [6] The authors stated that two-month treatment ...
Several programs, like the Dental Assistant, Medical Office Administration, Medical Office Professional, Primary Technician, Polysomnographic Technology and Medical Assistant programs, can be ...
One thing that all of the manufacturers of the products sold at Royal Blend Dispensary have in common is sourcing within New ...
In this study, we investigated the neuronal activity of the dentate gyrus (DG) with electrophysiological and optical imaging tools during sleep-wake cycles. We found that the activity of major ...
BrainFlow is a library intended to obtain, parse and analyze EEG, EMG, ECG and other kinds of data from biosensors ...
EEGLAB is an open source signal processing environment for electrophysiological signals running on Matlab and developed at the SCCN/UCSD ...
This cohort describes the demographic, clinical aspects, and polysomnographic parameters of OSA amongst the population of Hong Kong. First, obesity played a key role in the referral of OSA. The ...