研究团队负责人之一,布拉德利·摩尔教授将PKZILLA-1比喻为蛋白质界的珠穆朗玛峰,其体积比前纪录保持者——人体肌肉中的titin蛋白还要大25%,长度 ...
相关研究结果发表在2024年8月9日的Science期刊上,论文标题为“Giant polyketide synthase enzymes in the biosynthesis of giant marine polyether toxins”。 在本研究中 ...
While peptides are usually produced by non-ribosomal peptide synthetases, polyketides are produced by polyketide synthases. Now, in collaboration with Michael Groll from the Technical University ...
While peptides are usually produced by non-ribosomal peptide synthetases, polyketides are produced by polyketide synthases. Now, in collaboration with Michael Groll from the Technical University ...
A crust-like miniature dot lichen recently discovered in Bavaria shows lots of ability to protect itself from the sun and ...
“The discovery and initial characterization of the prymnesin PKZILLA gigasynthases now elucidates the long-standing question about how microalgae biosynthesize their giant polyketide polyether ...
Utidelone is under clinical development by BioStar Pharmaceuticals and currently in Phase I for Testicular Cancer.
Enzymes are extraordinary biocatalysts –they are the machinery within cell factories crafted by Nature over aeons of evolution. The aims of my research are focused upon using techniques in synthetic ...
1.AmagaiK., Ikeda H., Hashimoto J., Kozone I., Izumikawa M., Kudo F., Eguchi T., Nakamura T., Osada H., Takahashi S., and Kazuo Shin-ya K.: "Identification of gene ...
Team's focus on polyketide synthetase enzyme One major challenge in treating TB is that the bacteria can form a protective ...