Neurotology expands the study of otologic disease to include neurologic and neurosurgical issues related to ear problems. Neurotology is a surgical subspecialty with a separate board certification ...
Baylor Medicine ENT offers expert clinical and surgical services to address the full range of patient needs, including hearing impairment and otologic disease, balance disorders, allergic and ...
There is an active otologic component to the fellowship. The Texas Children's Audiology Center logged over 23,000 audiologic visits annually and averages 90 - 100 cochlear implants per year. Fellows ...
Bilateral Middle Fossa Floor Meningiomas Invading the Middle Ear. International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck ...
We had a unique opportunity to study otologic manifestations of young children followed prospectively during URI to AOM development within 28 days of URI onset. The purpose of this report was to ...
Azizi, Hosein Davtalab-Esmaeili, Elham Mirzapour, Mohammad Karimi, Golamali Rostampour, Mahdi and Mirzaei, Yagoob 2019. A Case-Control Study of Timely Control and Investigation of an Entamoeba ...
Cranial nerve, otologic, and oropharyngeal exams were within normal limits. Anterior rhinoscopy revealed green, mucoid crusting bilaterally. After suction and decongestion, endoscopic examination ...