最新的指数化今(9月20日)起生效,澳大利亚多项政府福利金的金额,包括寻工者津贴、租房援助、育儿津贴到养老福利金,都将随之上涨,这将惠及500多万澳大利亚人。请点击 ▶ 收听报道。
Chinese lawmakers on Friday voted to adopt a decision on gradually raising the statutory retirement age in the country, ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Members of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) leave the Great Hall ...
Among them, Huizhong Village is becoming an Internet sensation where people can go camping and hold parties, and animals are befriended and well-treated. Chen Xiangqian, a youngster from Taiwan, ...
On September 15th, Guizhou Yitianjiari Shopping Center hosted a “Mid-Autumn Pet Adventure” event. Over 50 pet lovers brought their “fur babies” to enjoy mooncakes, test their bond, and play bowling, ...
三尺讲台育桃李,一支粉笔写春秋。教师节又至,在这个以尊师重教为主要基调的特别节日里,社会各界人士纷纷以各种形式,向老师们表达着由衷的敬意与感激。教师,是用声音播种希望、教书育人的“辛勤园丁”,却因每日长时间授课、过度用嗓,饱受着咽喉疾病的困扰。据权威 ...
9月8日,在广州市民政局指导下,斗鱼携手广东新快报社、广州市未成年人救助保护中心等公益伙伴共同开展了“穗爱童行·2024年中秋圆梦联欢公益活动”。作为本次公益活动的独家互联网支持单位,斗鱼主动认领了小朋友们的“微心愿”,为受助儿童们提供了新书包、点读 ...