Although there is great physiological and phylogenetic diversity among the organisms that carry out nitrogen fixation, they all have a similar enzyme complex called nitrogenase that catalyzes the ...
As the famed British naturalist David Attenborough noted, “In our hands now lies not only our own future but that of all ...
In my research, I dive deep into unraveling the complex mechanisms of nitrogenase enzymes, uncovering how they can be harnessed for sustainable innovations. Specifically, I’m working on a project to ...
This metallic ion appears to serve as an essential ion cofactor for the enzyme nitrogenase, which catalyzes the reduction of nitrogen to ammonia. Collect a bottle of soil culture (nitrogen-free medium ...
Through structural and spectroscopic work we study the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme nitrogenase that catalyzes this process. We are also involved in examining redox and energy homeostasis and ...
Nitrogenase, Nitrogenase-Komplex, das für die biologische Fixierung des atmosphärischen Stickstoffs verantwortliche Enzym. N. besteht aus den beiden Schlüsselenzymkomponenten Dinitrogenase-Reductase ...
Our interest in metalloproteins has centered on proteins that incorporate unusual molybdenum- and tungsten-containing centers, including the iron-molybdenum cofactor of nitrogenase and the more ...
Scripts to perform a) GROMACS MM setup and MM simulations for a metalloprotein and b) subsequent Chemshell QM/MM calculations as used in our nitrogenase QM/MM studies ...
Eines der komplexesten Eisen-Schwefel-Proteine der Natur ist die Nitrogenase, deren Herzstück ein großer [MFe 7 S 9 C]-Cluster (M = Mo, V oder Fe) ist, der einige der anspruchsvollsten und industriell ...
Charge = -3, Spin = 35 (PYSCF convention: 2*S) for UKS/B3LYP with sf-X2C Hamiltonian and COSMO eps=4.0 ...
Die Aktivierung des molekularen Stickstoffs und dessen Reduktion zu Ammoniak hängt von der katalytischen Aktivität des Enzyms Nitrogenase ab. Der Ammoniak wird anschließend durch den Prozess der ...