Host Dan Aykroyd uncovers some of the most mysterious and bizarre inventions, creatures, people and things throughout history, by using dynamic visuals, archival images, and expert interviews.
古代的教育,曾充盈着自然的气息,学生们能够能够尽情发挥天性。明代著名画家仇英《稚子闹学图》展示了古代“神兽”们在村学里玩闹的情景,乘着先生打瞌睡时,四处嬉戏、捣蛋和装鬼脸,把书室弄得翻天覆地。氛围是轻松愉悦的,户外与室内界限被打破,连结着深厚的师生情 ...
(黄方) "What does Xizang look like in your eyes?" Foreign teachers and students from 12 countries, including the UK, the US, and Mongolia, described it as beautiful, mysterious, colorful, and ...