Meningeal carcinomatosis (MC) is diffuse infiltration of the meninges by metastatic carcinoma. Though a known complication of solid tumours, it is rarely seen as a presenting feature of such cancers.
A diagnosis of peritoneal carcinomatosis was made and the MRI scan showed a signalling abnormality ... The brain MRI scan showed an increase in the meningeal uptake of contrast medium. CA 15-3 ...
Brain MRI with contrast was reported as consistent with leptomeningeal carcinomatosis (LC) (figure 2). No post contrast spinal MRI was undertaken as a diagnosis of LC was not initially considered. She ...
You will be able to get a quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in many different ways. We present the case of a patient with leptomeningeal carcinomatosis from a primary breast ...
1. Boogerd W, Hart AAM, van der Sande JJ, Engelsman E: Meningeal carcinomatosis in breast cancer. Cancer 1991; 67: 1685–95. MEDLINE 2. Chamberlain MC: Meningitis neoplastica. J Clin Oncol 2005 ...
1. Boogerd W, Hart AAM, van der Sande JJ, Engelsman E: Meningeal carcinomatosis in breast cancer. Cancer 1991; 67: 1685–95. MEDLINE 2. Chamberlain MC: Meningitis neoplastica. J Clin Oncol 2005 ...
ruling out meningeal carcinomatosis. Therefore, the inflammatory etiology seemed to be more plausible. To distinguish TNF-α i aseptic meningitis from rheumatoid meningitis the evaluation of ...
Emerging evidence suggests that the meningeal compartment plays instrumental roles in various neurological disorders, however, we still lack fundamental knowledge about meningeal biology. Here, we ...
Response to gefitinib in extensive leptomeningeal carcinomatosis. MRI scan of the lower thoracic and lumbar spine (A,B) prior to starting gefitinib, and (C,D) 2 months after gefitinib monotherapy ...
Paxalisib is under clinical development by Kazia Therapeutics and currently in Phase I for Leptomeningeal Disease (Neoplastic Meningitis, Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis). According to GlobalData, Phase ...
CSF demonstrated an increased number of white blood cells (23/μl) with normal protein and glucose levels, and cytology was positive for malignant lymphoma cells. Meningeal lymphomatosis and spinal ... Pulmonary lymphangitic carcinomatosis (PLC) is a type of lymphangitic spread of cancer cells, from a primary site to the pulmonary vasculature and lymphatics. Corticosteroids are ...