近日,江苏省农业科学院种质资源与生物技术研究所在The Crop Journal在线发表了题为“Non-separatedmicrospores 1controls male meiotic callose deposition at the cell plate in rice”的研究论文,作者通过图位克隆和转基因互补鉴定了1个新的控制水稻雄性减数分裂间隙胼胝质合成的GSL ...
In this article, we provide competency-based questions from Class 12 Biology Chapter 6, "Human Reproduction," for the 2025 examination. Meiotic arrest is a phenomenon noticed during oogenesis in human ...
很多人都知道塑料制品中含有双酚A(BPA),超量摄入了便有毒。但是生活中又常常需要用到各种塑料的奶瓶、杯子、饭盒等等,那怎么办呢?——买贵的呗!事实上,价格贵的也不一定安全哦~ 婴儿奶瓶曾是BPA“重灾区” BPA有什么毒? 先说说BPA的毒性: ...
For the first time, a molecular mechanism is identified, for experimental acceleration and deceleration (rejuvenation) of sperm epigenetic aging.
Lymphovascular invasion and fibrotic focus showed independent prognostic value for breast cancer-specific survival. Furthermore, we described that BCs with the expression of the meiotic DNA break ...