It’s one of those words. I’ll bet you’ve heard it before; maybe even kicked the tires of it yourself. In television dramas and in the movies, if there’s a court scene, at some point ...
Last week British troops jimmied open Greece’s back door, found the inhabitants starved, malarial or missing, and a desperate political situation throughout the country. Almost every village had ...
Officers say the yeggs [it's an old-fashioned word for "burglars"] jimmied the front and back doors to get into the store, knocked the combination off the safe and blew out the tumblers with blasting ...
Officers say the yeggs [it's an old-fashioned word for "burglars"] jimmied the front and back doors to get into the store, knocked the combination off the safe and blew out the tumblers with ...
On the eve of the election, a polling place in Jones County was broken into, but the perpetrator only took a swig instead of swinging the ballot count, officials said.
Showgoers know Agnes de Mille as the choreographer who jimmied ballet right into the plot of Oklahoma! and started a Broadway trend; balletomanes know her as the one who has done most to bring ...