智通财经APP获悉,游戏开发商Epic Games扩大了与Alphabet(GOOGL.US)旗下谷歌的反垄断法律斗争,指控这家科技巨头与三星电子合作,在全球销售的移动设备上通过默认设置屏蔽竞争对手的应用程序商店。Epic ...
电玩游戏制造商Epic Games周一起诉谷歌(Google)和三星,指控该两家公司合作阻止三星设备上应用程式分发的第三方竞争。据悉,问题在於三星的「自动封锁程式」功能,该功能只允许安装来自授权来源的... 电玩游戏制造商Epic ...
Epic Games 再次提起诉讼,这次的目标是三星和Google。 这家视频游戏公司称,Google和三星串通实施了反竞争行为,扼杀了 Android 生态系统中的竞争。Epic Games 称,Google和三星串通阻止第三方应用程序商店三星 ...
Epic Games与谷歌之间的冲突源于谷歌对其安卓应用商店的控制权。Epic Games指控谷歌通过强制使用其支付系统和限制第三方应用商店的进入,非法维持其垄断地位。2023年,陪审团裁定谷歌滥用了其市场优势。Epic Games正在寻求停止所谓的反竞争行为和未指明的损害赔偿。
热门视频游戏《堡垒之夜》的开发商Epic Games宣布计划对科技巨头谷歌和三星提起诉讼,指控其存在反竞争行为。这家游戏公司声称,谷歌和三星合谋阻碍Google Play商店和三星Galaxy商店的竞争对手。
The latest lawsuit alleges Google and Samsung are colluding to keep Android owners from installing the Epic Games Store on ...
Epic Games is suing Google again, along with Samsung, for allegedly making the EGS install procedure prohibitively difficult ...
Fortnite creator Epic Games today filed a lawsuit against Google and Samsung, accusing the two companies of anticompetitive ...
The “Fortnite” maker claims the tech giants colluded to place onerous restrictions on app stores created after Google lost an ...
The company behind the Fortnite video games won an antitrust lawsuit against Google last year. Now Epic Games is suing again.
Epic Games has filed a lawsuit against Samsung and Google for allegedly colluding with each other to stop users of Samsung ...
Video game maker Epic Games sued Google and Samsung on Monday, accusing the tech companies of coordinating to block ...