As everyone knows, he has wintered and disported himself in Switzerland, has survived an ankle strained while skating and ensuing measles (TIME, Feb. 22, Mar. 1). *12,149 ft., as against the ...
Back when Jupiter was young and spry, he used to catch rodents and drop them into the bathtub, where he chased them around, creating a veritable bloodbath. Luckily he disported himself in this manner ...
You are disported, carried off out of yourself. In botany, a ‘sport’ is the wayward offshoot of an otherwise predictable shrub. The definition of ‘a real sport’ is a girl like Catherine Morland, the..
Denis is a founder member of Backstage Theatre and has even disported himself as an actor! He is currently serving on 6 voluntary committees, chairing three of them: Backstage Theatre Management ...
Now Spender’s son, Matthew (who was born in 1945), has produced a disarmingly eccentric book, uneven but endearing, which combines a memoir of his parents, and of his interaction with them, with ...