自动驾驶行业一直充满活力,同时又瞬息万变。就在上周(9 月 18 日),估值近 300 亿人民币的 L4 自动驾驶公司 Motional 宣布了领导层的大变动:CEO 突然自愿“下线”了。 据其公告称,其总裁兼首席执行官 (CEO) Karl ...
US House passes $1.6 billion to deliver anti-China propaganda overseas. The United States will do everything it can to smear ...
Jeff Bezos- backed Perplexity AI, a startup challenging Alphabet Inc. 's (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Google, is in discussions with top brands like Nike Inc. (NYSE:NKE) and Marriott International ...
China's coal-rich province of Shanxi saw its raw coal output surpass 813 million tons in the first eight months of 2024, ...
打开微信,点击 “ 发现 ” ,使用 “ 扫一扫 ” 即可将网页分享至朋友圈。 * China has been advancing its manufacturing sector by focusing on high-end, ...
China's vehicle software market is worth more than 65 billion yuan (about 9.2 billion US dollars), accounting for 30 percent ...
9月11日,第二十四届中国国际投资贸易洽谈会圆满落幕。全球120个国家和地区、18个国际组织、1000多个境内外政府机构及工商企业团组、近8万名客商来厦参展参会。据初步统计,688个项目在大会期间达成合作协议,计划总投资额达4889.2亿元。本届投洽 ...
China is an important partner of Nigeria, and my administration is committed to strengthening relations on infrastructure, trade, finance, and energy. In the previous year, bilateral trade volume ...
DUBAI, Sept. 16 (China Economic Net) - About 65 kilometers south of downtown Dubai, in the heart of the vast desert, a 262-meter-high solar tower stands tall. Below the tower, a field of about 70,000 ...
The financial footprint of the pharmaceutical industry in the Greek economy and its overall contribution in terms of GDP is ...