The first rocky planet ever spotted orbiting a burned out star called a white dwarf offers a glimpse of what may be in store ...
Alien: Romulus”—producer Ridley Scott’s sci-fi-horror hit—is coming soon to digital streaming. Click in to find out when and ...
As a general rule, those wicked biomechanics nightmares known in the "Alien" universe as xenomorphs don’t exactly mix well at ...
Astronomers listened for radio signals emanating from planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system, but found no evidence of any ...
Such ancient or non-human beings could reside somewhere inside the Earth or under the oceans, they say.
An international team of astronomers reports the discovery of a new extrasolar world orbiting a nearby star known as HD 86728 ...
【ITBEAR】9月16日消息,备受瞩目的科幻剧集《Alien: Earth》第一季在诺亚·霍利的执导下业已完成拍摄。据悉,该剧集制作精良,惊悚氛围营造得恰到好处,为观众带来了一场前所未有的视听盛宴。
"A Sign in Space" simulated an extraterrestrial communication to see whether humans are prepared for the real deal.
【VRAR星球原创稿件,未经许可禁止转载】每天三分钟,了解VR/AR行业热点今日新闻速览•Valve最新测试程序或暗示其正测试新VR设备性能•高通被曝已向英特尔发出收购邀约•全球最小的跟踪器Antilatency ...
游戏阵容(映维网Nweon 2024年09月26日)在Connect大会期间,Meta展示了一系列面向Quest头显的游戏应用,包括即将发行的“异形”和“蝙蝠侠”等等。1. Alien: Rogue Incursion《Alien: Rogue ...
据ITBEAR了解,《Alien: Earth》定于明年在Hulu平台首播,全季共八集。剧情围绕一艘坠毁在地球的神秘太空飞船展开,由西德尼·钱德勒饰演的年轻女科学家将领衔一支多元团队,共同面对地球上前所未有的威胁。