Distinguished guests visited Shanghai Museum East Branch on Saturday for a Chinese heritage tour as an appetizer for the 36th ...
On September 20th, the 2024 World Manufacturing Convention opened in Hefei with the theme "Intelligent Manufacturing for a ...
Anyway, that’s “sit this one out” in the sports context. Outside of sports, this phrase is also widely used. As a matter of ...
齐鲁网 ·闪电新闻9月20日讯 2024年9月20—23日,2024世界制造业大会在合肥滨湖国际会展中心举办,本次大会主题为“智造世界·创造美好”,约1000名中外来宾齐聚一堂,为促进全球制造业交流合作、实现共享共赢建言献策。
HEFEI, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) -- The 2024 World Manufacturing Convention opened Friday in Hefei, capital of east China's Anhui Province, highlighting the latest products and innovations in the ...
齐鲁网 ·闪电新闻9月20日讯 2024年9月20—23日,2024世界制造业大会在合肥滨湖国际会展中心举办,本次大会主题为“智造世界·创造美好”,约1000名中外来宾齐聚一堂,为促进全球制造业交流合作,实现共享共赢建言献策。
Life force was again filled my body. I would dance in my dream. The first thing when I woke up in the morning, was to practice the most recent dance moves that I learned. When my French got better ...
From Yongjia Road Pocket Park to 550 Long Community Center and Leshan Residential Community, exhibits show how areas have ...
This September, 23 rural basketball teams from 21 cities across Guangdong Province gathered in Shaxi Town, Zhongshan City, to ...
Huawei Connect APP是华为全联接大会活动的官方移动APP,是专为参会者设计的一站式信息获取与互动平台。 它集大会介绍、活动日程、参会指南、展区导览、个性化议程收藏、电子卡证、精彩视频及资讯浏览等多功能于一体,旨在为参会者带来便捷与高效参会体验 ...
In the wake of severe challenges the world is facing today, countries should work together to strengthen policy communication ...