I made a few mistakes on my first African safari trip. It would've been better if I'd planned my layover and itinerary ...
The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) technical advisory group on human African trypanosomiasis – commonly known as sleeping ...
Many species of flies of the two-winged type, Order Diptera, such as mosquitoes, horse-flies, blow-flies and warble-flies, cause direct parasitic disease to domestic animals, and transmit organisms ...
Despite their large size, Borans are generally calm and easy to handle. Their coat colors vary from brown to red and black.
Wigglesworth, V. B., The Principles of Insect Physiology, sixth ed. (Methuen, London, 1965).
The prevalence of Nagana (trypanosomiasis), spread by tsetse flies in Africa, has renewed interest in the Boran due to its relative resistance to this disease. Their thick skin and short ...
Where would you suggest my sister and I go in South Africa, and what safari organizers would be best to arrange this trip ... We have never been on safari, so would ignorance perhaps shield us from ...