In dueling perspectives, experts make their case for and against going with PCI before even trying antianginal medications.
Company remains committed to its mission to become a leader in developing differentiated product candidates targeting immune, inflammatory and fibrotic diseases – Successful completion of nonclinical ...
A distinctive type of pulmonary valvular stenosis, termed "pulmonary valvular dysplasia," is described from six necropsies and 10 living children. The anatomic features of the stenotic pulmonary valve ...
Vesalio announced the United States commercialization of pVasc thrombectomy system for nonsurgically removing peripheral ...
Those with brachycephalic syndrome are more prone to suffering heatstroke, as well, because of their narrow nostrils, known as stenotic nares, so make sure you keep them indoors or limit their outdoor ...
The signs of aortic stenosis on physical exam include a systolic murmur, usually loudest at the right upper sternal border, that peaks late and radiates to the right carotid artery. [10] The ...
Other pulse sites are felt by placing the finger over a medium or large artery. The apical pulse, on the other hand, is a more direct way to feel the pulse, since you can directly feel the left ...
We value keeping the Device Guide up to date.
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. The accumulation of myofibroblasts within the ...
Refractory heart failure, also known as end stage or advanced heart failure, is a condition in which heart failure symptoms persist despite taking prescribed medications. This includes symptoms while ...