A lot of interesting firearms are reaching Ukraine, and now German HK G36 Bundeswehr rifles and the new HK433 from Heckler & ...
The NGSW also includes a fire control, which contains advanced ballistics and aiming assistance not available in currently ...
A lot of interesting firearms are reaching Ukraine, and now German HK G36 Bundeswehr rifles and the new HK433 from Heckler & Koch can be added to the category of curiosities. We present the ...
New York At­tor­ney Gen­er­al, Leti­tia James, is lead­ing a coali­tion of 12 at­tor­neys gen­er­al call­ing on the Unit­ed States Con­gress to take ac­tion to stop gun traf­fick­ing from the Unit­ed ...
The Sessions Court fixed 12 days in January next year for the trial of Israeli  Avitan Shalom, who is charged with ...
As­so­ci­a­tions rep­re­sent­ing var­i­ous arms of the pro­tec­tive ser­vices are hop­ing that suf­fi­cient al­lo­ca­tions will be giv­en to the Min­istry of Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty so they, in turn, ...
Fall River Police arrested an 18-year-old male for allegedly having a stolen, unlicensed gun after a search warrant was ...
In two separate incidents recently, Troy police said they arrested drunk drivers who had firearms in their vehicles. State law prohibits possession or use of a firearm while under the influence of ...
PHUKET: A 31-year-old man is recovering in hospital after a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head during a heated argument with his wife about an affair at a condo in Kathu last night (Sept 26).
A Butte man has admitted firing several gunshots into a fairly secluded house in Butte and pleaded guilty to a lesser charge.
Heavenly Faith Garfield, 22, shot Brooklyn Barrett, 21, after they spent weeks planning their deaths together in Saratoga ...