At a dance studio in Beijing, B-Girl Wang Yufan moved effortlessly to a pulsating beat, her fluid movements and sharp spins ...
"I am proud that all our athletes in the Hong Kong, China Delegation have competed in the true spirit of the Olympic motto, ...
Paris Olympics swimming gold medalist Qin Haiyang presents a gift to a girl. A charitable event for elderly citizens and ...
Beijing Winter Olympic champion Gu Ailing and Zhang Kexin ensured a one-two finish at the opening event of the 2024-2025 FIS ...
Binjiang Group's only commercial project in the Olympic Games Ranked among the top sellers of Hangzhou Commercial 500 square meters in the 2022 annual performance list. (The total sales data with an ...
新华社纽约9月7日电(记者谭晶晶)美国疾病控制和预防中心日前报告说,该国密苏里州发现一个新的人感染H5型禽流感病毒病例。这是美国报告的首个未接触病患动物的人感染H5型禽流感病毒病例。 美疾控中心6日报告说,该病例通过密苏里州的季节性流感监测系统发现。这名患者有基础性疾病,住院接受了流感抗病毒药物治疗,现已康复出院。患者没有已知的动物接触史,暂未发现其密切接触者或其他人员被传染。 美疾控中心说,这是 ...
In the final quarter of 2024, Hangzhou will host multiple national and international sporting events that will attract ...
Bato Zaya spent his childhood as a shepherd in the pastoral areas of Wenquan County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur ...
北京时间9月7日晚, 2024年巴黎残奥会 迎来 残奥乒乓球 项目最后阶段的比拼,中国女将 黄文娟 直落三盘,3比0完胜挪威选手收获个人本届残奥会第二金。而男单方面, 赵帅 苦战5盘后不敌乌克兰选手,错失4连冠机会。
北京时间9月7日晚,2024年巴黎残奥会举重比赛继续在拉夏贝尔门体育馆进行。刚刚结束的男子88公斤级决赛中,闫盼盼以打破残奥会纪录的成绩为中国残奥举重队拿下本届比赛第5枚金牌。 重温巴黎2024 | 重温所有比赛的经典瞬间,与您喜爱的团队和运动员分享 ...