Binjiang Group's only commercial project in the Olympic Games Ranked among the top sellers of Hangzhou Commercial 500 square meters in the 2022 annual performance list. (The total sales data with an ...
NBA star Stephen Curry is so welcomed in Shanghai that even Typhoon Bebinca did not deter fans' enthusiasm. More than 10,000 ...
Bato Zaya spent his childhood as a shepherd in the pastoral areas of Wenquan County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur ...
2016年的里约奥运会,用的也是蓝色跑道——是的,国际奥委会并没有严格规定跑道的颜色。 图源 具体用什么颜色的跑道,奥运会主办方可以自己选。 那么,巴黎奥运会为什么选了紫色呢? 为什么是紫色 经过巴黎奥组委与国际田联、国际奥林匹克 ...
Equestrian competition, horse auction and culture forum will be held in Shanghai during the inaugural Shanghai International ...
AI数字人及虚拟体验全栈技术服务商世优科技创始人、CEO纪智辉对钛媒体App表示, 当前 AI 还属于早期发展阶段,尽管 AI 与数字人等新技术相结合实现文化、品牌宣传等工作并形成“炫酷传播”新业态,但未来,作为新一代信息技术集成创新和应用的未来产业,也是数字经济与实体经济融合的高级形态,数字人和自然人、机器人高度协同,将深刻变革人类生产生活方式。