中秋,是中华民族的传统佳节,承载着千年的文化底蕴和深厚的情感寄托。古人有古人的过节仪式,今人有今人的时代风貌,但保留下来的传统习俗,仿佛是一道连接古今的无形桥梁。江西新闻客户端推出系列双语漫评短视频,带您感受古今共情的中秋节、传统习俗如何作为“桥梁” ...
今天,分享课上带写的两篇预测作文,供听课的同学复习参考。 昨天,有同学问:预测作文为啥这么晚才发? 预测话题:阅读偏好 Directions:Write an essay based on the chart below. In your ...
The show started off with a vivid cartoon zongzi, or sticky rice dumpling, followed by patterns featuring adrenaline-pumping dragon boat races and flying loongs (or Chinese dragons) to cheer up the ...
Get ready for Shanghai's biggest international newcomers party of 2024! This unmissable event, hosted by AnyHelper, and ...