Mars Growth Capital led the latest round, which brings total capital raised by the London-based platform to $275 million.
阿May,33岁的她是一位充满热情的鸡饭档年轻小贩,其家庭背景与料理息息相关,父母与哥哥和姐姐都从事与“吃”相关的行业。从小在小贩家庭中长大的她,如今成了熟悉各种料理的厨艺小能手。阿May的故事,正是从她18岁时决定加入家族生意开始的。在那个年龄,她逐渐就确定了自己的人生方向:与美食为伍,并且将这份热爱延续至今。阿May回忆起自己的成长过程时提到,从学生时代起就帮忙小贩父母干活。当时,她并不喜欢读 ...
There's a new star emerging on Fall River's diverse restaurant scene. See what's on the menu at 9 Star International, like ...
Fermented dairy and mummies might not seem like the most obvious pairing, but archaeologists in China have just uncovered ...
大马人也能吃到跟纽约同步的获奖汉堡!Black Tap最早于2015年在纽约市成立,因手工汉堡和“疯狂奶昔”而声名鹊起。2022年,这家餐厅正式引入大马市场,让本地食客也能体验到屡获殊荣的汉堡以及“疯狂奶昔”的魅力。位于双威金字塔购物中心的Black Tap提供十馀款手工汉堡选择,其中包括屡获殊荣的格雷格·诺曼汉堡(Greg Norman)、和牛牛排汉堡(Wagyu Steakhouse)、全美式 ...
The first-ever Grand Island Asian Street Food Fair Culture and Music Festival is underway. There's plenty of food, beverages, ...
Domestically, travel surged during the summer holiday, which typically runs from early July to late August. The Civil ...
Pieces of trash with Chinese markings along the coastline of Pag-asa Island in the West Philippine Sea. Photos courtesy of ...
The 2024 World AgriFood Innovation Conference will take place in Beijing from October 10 to 12, according to China ...
As the world's largest developing country, China always considers its growth in the context of the common development of all ...