(Premise 1) We ought to have ontological commitment to all and only the entities that are indispensable to our best scientific theories. (Premise 2) Mathematical entities are indispensable to our best ...
Now, a team of sedimentologists and stratigraphers examined how this incompleteness influences the reconstruction of evolutionary history. To their surprise, they found that the incompleteness ...
Horner, Jack K. 2019. A Computationally Assisted Reconstruction of an Ontological Argument in Spinoza’s The Ethics . Open Philosophy, Vol. 2, Issue. 1, p. 211.
Holbraad, Martin 1969. Pas de sucre, merci ! L’anthropologie du tabac et les vertus de la conceptualisation contingente. Anthropologica, Vol. 61, Issue. 1, p. 12.