This has led to strict regulations of nitrate and nitrite levels in food and drinking water. Kenneth McColl (Glasgow University) described the potential harmful effects of nitrate-derived gastric NO.
They’re found in fruit, veg and cured meat, but why is it that we are warned against eating some foods with nitrates and nitrites in, but we’re told to fill our fridges with others?
putting many of us on high alert when we see food products with added nitrates, like processed meats. But there’s actually another side to the story where a handful of naturally nitrate-rich foods are ...
Those chemicals are called nitrites and nitrates — and ... did the thinking for us and banned the sale of nitrite and nitrate-containing food products altogether. He shakes his head.
They said the European Food Safety Authority found consumer exposure to nitrites and nitrates as food additives was within safe levels for all population groups, except for a slight exceedance in ...