Top executives from more than 20 leading multinationals and guest speakers gathered again this morning as the 36th International Business Leaders' Advisory Council for the Mayor of Shanghai (IBLAC) ...
LANZHOU, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- More than 800 representatives from 50 countries, regions and international organizations have gathered at the 7th Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Cultural Expo, which ...
China's vehicle software market is worth more than 65 billion yuan (about 9.2 billion US dollars), accounting for 30 percent ...
China is actively promoting the modernization and revitalization of rural industries. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, significant progress has been made in both ...
我离开香港我的出生之地,已经三年有多,但朋友们仍然会问,到底我偏好住在美国抑或香港。我会 fend off这样的问题,因为它难有简单的答案。习语“fend ...
这是波音员工2008年以来首次罢工,一旦长期化可能造成数十亿美元损失,使波音紧张的财务状况雪上加霜,甚至导致信用评等被降级。1月一架737 MAX飞行中舱门脱落,使波音面临一连串动荡,今年至今股价已下跌40%。 Northcoast Research分析师奥林(Chris Olin)预估,此次罢工整体影响可能达到30亿美元以上,“波音很可能从原本的生产计划中取消33至35架飞机,导致每日营收损失1 ...
继上周末发布「Creative Arts Emmys」之后,2024 美国电视界年度盛会第 76 届 艾美奖(Emmy Awards) 今番正式登场,无意外地 FX 两部人气作品《 幕府将军 》与《 熊家餐馆 》依旧是最大赢家。
Aiming to promote golf as a popular sport and improve golf proficiency among Tsinghua University students •随着校队与协会的融合发展,吸引了越来越多对高尔夫球感兴趣、有基础的朋友加入与球队的交流、学习之中。逐步取得了一些佳绩。 高球是绿色、氧气、阳光、友谊。这项运动 ...