When biologist Satoshi Shimano saw a post about a new mite species on Twitter, he couldn't have known that the repeated resharing of the image would lead to the discovery of another. In honor of ...
The twospotted spider mite (TSSM) is a plant-feeding mite that is an extremely widespread pest affecting nearly all crop plants (over 1000 plant species). TSSM is very small in size and requires ...
Even though they are likely always around, an increasing dust mite population can be a problem, especially if you already have a household dust allergy. Dust mite exposure can go unnoticed pretty ...
Raspberry production faces many challenges. Pests is one of them. To reduce the use of chemical pesticides, it is essential to find environmentally ...
Tim Crabb (UK) focuses on the moment a mite predates an aphid nymph. Spotting a whirligig mite near a group of black bean aphid nymphs on a plant stem, Tim focused in, ready to capture the moment the ...