Two recent reports show that the co-chaperone CHIP mediates ubiquitin-dependent degradation of substrates bound to heat-shock protein 70 (Hsp70) and/or Hsp90. Figure 1: Models for the involvement ...
Oxidative stress and gut microbiome interactions are key in ADHD pathogenesis, with diet playing a crucial role in managing ...
The liver function in post-cardiac arrest brain injury is not known and was investigated in a pig model of global cerebral ...
How does a spider recycle its silk? To meet the high metabolic demands of daily silk production, at least some spiders have developed a way to reuse their silk. Certain orb web-weaving spiders recycle ...
延伸因子PAF1和Spt6表现出不同的结合动力学,但需要P-TEFb活性才能招募到Hsp70上。 为了研究RNA Pol II 和转录因子结合的解离动力学,作者使用新型基因工程方法、成像工具和更为特异的抑制剂对 ...
CaMKII activates the HRI/eIF2α signaling pathway and inhibits the proteotoxicity induced by proteasome inhibition through ...
DNAJB1是B类j结构域蛋白的主要成员,也是HSP70的重要共伴侣。DNAJB1、HSP70和核苷酸交换因子构成了鉴定未折叠或错误折叠蛋白的关键且普遍存在的三方 ...
Blood. 2021;138(9):758–72. Wang L, Jia Z, Xie D, Zhao T, Tan Z, Zhang S, Kong F, Wei D, Xie K. Methylation of HSP70 orchestrates its binding to and stabilization of BCL2 mRNA and renders pancreatic ...
其通常由高温应激反应唤启,能让胶原蛋白动态重塑。首创白钻松露面霜,萃取矜贵的天然成分白钻松露[*4],唤启热休克蛋白Hsp40与Hsp70的表达,稳态蛋白结构,动态重塑胶原蛋白,使皮肤光滑 ...