Hesperidin is a type of flavonoid found primarily in citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and tangerines.
A new research paper was published inGenes & Cancer on August 9, 2024, titled "Dialyl-sulfide with trans-chalcone prevent breast cancer prohibiting SULT1E1 malregulations and oxidant-stress ...
G. Tobajas-Curiel, Q. Sun, J. K. M. Sanders, P. Ballester, C. A. Hunter. Solvation Rules: Aromatic Interactions Outcompete Cation-π Interactions in Synthetic Host ...
Identification of potent COVID-19 main protease inhibitors by loading of favipiravir on Mg12O12 and Zn12O12 nanoclusters: an in silico strategy for COVID-19 treatment.
Naringenin, quercetin and (+)-catechin can be purchased at relatively low prices. Most monomethylated derivatives of quercetin, such as isorhamnetin (3'-methyl), tamarixetin (4'-methyl) and rhamnetin ...