Portrait of German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel . Head and shoulders illustration. Undated. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a German philosopher and a major figure in German idealism.
Immanuel Kant became professor of logic and metaphysics at the university of Konigsberg, Prussia in 1770. Kant published a variety of articles on the... George Wilhlem Friedrich Hegel German idealist ...
该书是黑格尔晚年的和其人生中最重要、最成熟的著作。 [2] 其在柏林大学担任教授时曾以该书为课本讲授“自然法与国家学或法哲学”这一门课程。在黑格尔的哲学体系中,该书是阐述其所谓的精神的三种发展中的第二类“客观精神”的(即抽象法、道德 ...
as the 19th-century German philosopher GWF Hegel wrote, “truth and goodness are only siblings in beauty”. Indeed the link between aesthetics and pursuing a meaningful life goes all the way back to ...
与此同时,公司们迫切希望变得更加道德。 However, as the 19th-century German philosopher GWF Hegel wrote, “truth and goodness are only siblings in beauty”. Indeed the link between aesthetics and pursuing a meaningful life ...