I remember we were in the car, driving and he's [Harry] like, ‘You know how to curtsy, right?’. And I just thought it was a joke." Prince Harry added: "How do you explain that to people?
I remember we were in the car, driving and he's [Harry] like, 'You know how to curtsy, right? '. And I just thought it was a joke." Prince Harry opened up, saying: "How do you explain that to people?
A curtsy takes the form of a short bending of the knee and bowing of the head. Traditionally, curtsies were offered by members of the public to royalty, with men offering a customary bow of the head.
A student from Bangladesh studying at the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Silchar in Assam was sent back to her country after reacting with a 'love' emoji to an anti-India social media post, ...