《新約聖經》正典書目,於公元397年舉行的迦太基會議(英语:Councils of Carthage)正式確定。但據近代就聖經抄本的研究發現,《新約聖經》正典書目已追溯至2世紀。 《新約聖經》的形成原因主要如下: 教會需要權威的教導。
自3世纪起,拉丁禮教會就开始正式任命驱魔师的神品。迦太基第四届理事会(英语:Council of Carthage (398))在其第七条教规(现属于“Statuta Ecclesiæ Antiqua(英语:Collections of ancient canons)”文集)中规定了这种驱魔人的授职仪式: ...
Sixth graders in the Carthage School District step out of the classroom and into the coffee house. Students in the Gifted and ...
Carthage Mayor Dan Rife filed a new temporary restraining order (TRO) Wednesday (9/18) to stop his impeachment trial set for next week. In a motion filed Wednesday, Rife says four ...
AS a Catholic, I was happy to see Pope Francis resonating so well with various religious groups during his recent 11-day ...
The Catholic Church has been undergoing a long, slow shift, playing out on the timescale of centuries: a shift to distance ...
St. Paul in verse 15 probably referred to the Septuagint as Scripture. Only after the Councils of Carthage and Hippo in the 4th century A.D. were all of the Books of Scripture (both Old and New ...
In 253, Cornelius was exiled by the emperor Gallus. He died of the hardships he endured during exile, and is considered a martyr. St. Cyprian of Carthage was a close friend of Pope Cornelius, ...
Carlo Monticelli, Governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), led a delegation on a ...