As a result, clubroot, Richardson’s ground squirrel, grasshoppers and the warble fly are no longer on the list of declared pests. All are considered endemic, except for clubroot. Potato wart was newly ...
Western Canadian canola growers regularly grapple with many challenges that put significant pressure on both crop performance ...
September drilling could be key to maximising your oilseed rape yields. Learn why later sowing may offer better disease control and higher potential.
Persistent wet weather, flea beetle damage, and pigeon grazing have all taken their toll. Additionally, clubroot and light leaf spot caused further complications, with the latter leading to severe ...
One of Canada’s northernmost farming areas has picked up a case of a disease well known to canola growers further south. Alberta Canola on Wednesday announced the Peace region has reported a case of ...
A second round of tests on a clubroot pathotype found in the Edmonton area confirms it’s a new type that can beat canola varieties bred for clubroot resistance. “This is a different pathotype that ...
The impact of relentless wet weather, flea beetle feeding and pigeon grazing all added up. In some trials, clubroot and light leaf spot were problematic too. The latter caused some severe plant ...
“Our mission is to advance the practice of regenerative agriculture both in understanding and adoption,” Cornish said. “But we’re still missing a lot of the agronomic pathways and the ...
Read more: 14 Tips For Growing A Healthy Garden Plants in the cabbage family can grow both in slightly acidic and slightly alkaline soil mixes, but a more alkaline soil mix can help prevent and cure a ...