Thanks to the AI boom, China is now home to more than 4,500 AI companies. Its core AI industry reached a size of more than ...
The Li ONE marked the beginning of Li Auto’s single product strategy. This 7-seater SUV, over 5 meters long with a maximum ...
The country also continued to optimize its industrial structure. Production and sales of new energy vehicles increased 31.7 percent and 32.5 percent respectively, and China took on more than 70 ...
"We need more free trade, not additional barriers," Mercedes-Benz CEO Ola Kaellenius told German media outlet Bild on Monday.
Home to a constellation of tech firms like Huawei and DJI, Shenzhen has prioritized the development of new industries, with ...
On October 24, "BYD·D Space", China's first BYD New Energy Vehicle (NEV) Science Museum, officially opened in Zhengzhou. The four-story, 15,000-square-meter museum aims to engage the public with a ...
“很高兴能与FF签署这一协议,进一步帮助他们在阿联酋这一地理位置优越、充满潜力的地区推进业务,”Master投资集团首席执行官Sheikh Abdulla Al ...
NANNING, Oct. 27 (Xinhua) -- Qinzhou Port, China's gateway port to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), has ...
◆新能源公交车、纯电动公共汽车、节能与新能源客车、天然气客车、新能源旅游客车、新能源城市物流车、新能源校车、小型电动客车、新能源叉车、新能源观光车; ◆ ...
数字孪生是一种虚拟仿真模型,能够实时反映物理实体的状态和行为。在汽车供应链中,数字孪生技术的应用可以从设计阶段就开始模拟产品的生命周期,优化供应链流程,提前识别潜在问题。例如,通过建立整车及其关键部件的数字孪生,制造商可以进行虚拟测试和评估,减少实物 ...