Horse hair and rodent bones are the eco-friendly materials behind an Irish jewellery designer’s delicate accessories. Daniela Cardillo has been nominated for a World Crafts Council Europe award ...
Albarella U. and Davis S.J.M. 1994. The Saxon and Medieval Animal Bones Excavated 1985-1989 from West Cotton, Northamptonshire (Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 17/94). London. Atrash W. and Mazor ...
Especially weird was how the bones got into the cave. If they had been dragged there by animals, the bones of those animals would be mixed in. If they had fallen into the hole by accident or been ...
This core facility provides high quality histological services and is available to assist investigators in the bone disease program within Texas Medical Center, as well as, researchers working with ...
Narrator: One of the most exciting objects or artefacts we have from the Shang Dynasty are oracle bones. They are animal bones covered in ancient writing and were used to try to predict the future.
Bone marrow aspiration is generally a safe procedure in dogs and cats that are systemically healthy. Care must be taken to avoid using this procedure in animals that have metabolic bone disease or ...
“I would expect the most common repurposing would be for animal feed, biofuel, cosmetics, etc.” In the EU, chicken bones are exported for use in pet food or to feed livestock. Since ...
Narrator: One of the most exciting objects or artefacts we have from the Shang Dynasty are oracle bones. They are animal bones covered in ancient writing and were used to try to predict the future.
The oldest known musical instrument was discovered in the Swabian Jura and is a 40,000-year-old flute made from a bird bone, the radius of a whooper swan – a very unique significance of the ...
Down the line, much of this could be done with 3D printers, allowing for precise customization (like the fat content of steaks) and even printing of entire animals, bones and all (Thanksgiving ...
Mammal bones normally have a solid exterior and a spongy or hollow centre, but some animals’ bones have a centre more filled-in with solid bone, making the bones extremely dense and heavy.
Have you found a strange bug or a new plant in your garden, or stumbled across an intriguing animal bone or fossil while out on a country walk? Let us help you find out more about it. If your business ...