A new design for a nuclear battery that generates electricity from the radioactive decay of americium is unprecedentedly ...
Scientists have developed a groundbreaking nuclear battery with unprecedented efficiency, capable of powering devices for ...
When you picture a sci-fi energy source, glowing green crystals are right up there. Scientists in China have now demonstrated ...
A significant quantity of the highly valuable and radioactive metal americium was uncovered in a covert operation led by the District Prosecutor's Office in Plovdiv, in collaboration with the Ministry ...
A team of physicists and engineers affiliated with several institutions in China has developed an extremely small nuclear ...
Tomkins, F. S., and Tomkins, Fred M., Spectrochimica Acta, 6, 139 (1954).
Centrus Energy, the owners of the American Centrifuge Facility in Piketon, Ohio, will address congressional leaders later ...
A micronuclear battery is built based on an autoluminescent americium–terbium compound that couples radioisotopes with energy transducers at the molecular level, resulting in an 8,000-fold ...
McCluskey, who was working inside a glove box at the time, inhaled a staggering amount of americium-241, a radioactive byproduct of plutonium, estimated to be 500 times the occupational safety ...
Almost 40 years have elapsed since the infamous Chernobyl disaster shook Ukraine, catapulting colossal quantities of deadly ...
Because used nuclear fuel can be recycled several times through a fast nuclear reactor, it is worth more than gold.
Combined with Pauli’s exclusion principle a quantum rule for filling electron shells was determined. Finally, Glenn Seaborg proposed the f-series (Actinide Series) based on his research on Americium ...