IT之家9 月 13 日消息,亚马逊正在扩大第三方卖家管理产品退货的方式。该公司现在为使用其托管的 Fulfillment by Amazon(FBA)服务卖家提供更多选择来管理退货库存,包括不要求客户退回选定的商品。 在扩大服务范围后,亚马逊的美国卖家现在可以注册 FBA 无退货 ...
Ever since an Amazon subscription became a thing back in 2005, the service from the world’s largest online retailer has grown from a modest offering to one of the most popular services that ...
E-scooters and mopeds could be a menace for motorists and pedestrians as they are neither registered nor have insurance cover. This raises an important question as to who will bear the cost of ...
旺季来临,各大电商平台的大促活动都已陆续开始。近日,亚马逊2024年秋季大促会员日活动,即Prime Big Deal Days(简称PBDD)将于10月举行。 大促活动是卖家爆单的好机会,也是卖家们不容错过的黄金销售期。 亚马逊2024秋季大促活动时间 目前,亚马逊大促会员日 ...
亚马逊再掀CPC严查风波,越来越多的卖家卷入其中,账号被封、链接被下架者不在少数。不少卖家收到类似的警告邮件,称其提供给亚马逊的文档有 ...
An urgent warning has been issued after a rise in 'crash for cash' scams where moped drivers are deliberately crashing into motorists to make insurance claims. More than 4,000 people have been ...
Savvy shoppers know that great bargains can be found online all year round – if you know where to look. From backpacks to audio gear and personal grooming kit, we’ve shortlisted some cart-worthy deals ...
五位知情人士今日称,亚马逊改造后的新版 Alexa 将于 10 月在美国购物旺季前推出,该产品将由初创公司 Anthropic 的 AI 大模型 Claude 提供支持,而不是亚马逊自家 AI 模型。 今年 6 月曾有报道称,亚马逊计划升级其 Alexa 语音助手,融入强大的生成式 AI 功能。
亚马逊将与人工智能公司建立战略合作伙伴关系,升级其 Alexa 语音助手 人类的. 第一次报道 路透社亚马逊计划推出代号为“Remarkable”的新版 Alexa,该版本将利用 Anthropic 先进的 Claude AI 模型。此次升级旨在增强 Alexa 的功能,为用户提供更自然的对话、个性化的 ...
一个是电商鼻祖,一个社媒王者,亚马逊和TikTok在流量上的合作犹如丢入湖中的一颗巨石,在跨境电商这片江湖激起无数涟漪。果然,在商界 ...
近日,据外媒The Information报道,Meta的开源大模型Llama 3一直难以在全球最大云厂商——亚马逊的AWS上获得关注。 AWS为其企业客户竭尽所能的提供各种 ...
All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) — also referred to as four-wheelers, quadricycles or quads — have surpassed mopeds in popularity on Finnish roads. Experts say that young people are attracted to ATVs ...