The stats: Bey had 23 rushing attempts for 198 yards and three touchdowns going for 5, 8 and 7 yards. Bey was 5 for 10 ...
FACT 1: The dominant factor that determines the real pump price of petrol in Nigeria is the naira to dollar exchange rate.
【新智元导读】最近,陶哲轩向广大网友和数学爱好者发起了挑战:大众数学爱好者、证明助理、自动化助手和AI联合起来,是否可以证明扩展几个数量级的数学问题? 想参加陶哲轩发起的「众包」数学研究项目吗? 机会来了! AI辅助证明数学研究,越来越可行了 ...
There was a time in this country when professors earned more than federal permanent secretaries. That was before Nigeria ran ...