“The Simpsons” is the most iconic animated series ever made. It’s certainly the longest running — the series will be entering its 31st season in late 2019. It might just be the most lucrative show in ...
Ever since Superman’s first appearance in 1938, comic books have captured the hearts and minds of children and adults with stories of heroes and the evildoers they vanquish. And some of these comics ...
Collecting things is one of the world's oldest hobbies. From famous paintings to rocks, there's a market for just about anything. So next time you're spring cleaning, don't just throw everything away.
Hollywood has been a male-dominated industry, but that’s changing. A study from the Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film at San Diego State University found that female characters ...
There’s no exact recipe for success when it comes to business longevity. Some of America’s oldest companies have also been owned by the same family for their entire history. Others managed to survive ...
Many medical related fields, such as nurse practitioners, home health aides, physical therapy and medical assistants and genetic counselors are among the quickest growing U.S. careers. It may be too ...
Scouring thrift stores is a favorite pastime of many people. While we often find small things we love and can’t do without, it's rare to find truly valuable items. But it does happen. Some ...
Remember that job you thought you’d have when you grew up? Since not too many of us turned out to be astronauts, ballerinas or rock stars, odds are your career took a different turn. If your 9 to 5 ...
John Pugliano, author of "The Robots Are Coming: A Human's Survival Guide to Profiting in the Age of Automation," sees plenty of white-collar jobs that will be threatened by automation. "Bottom line, ...
Finally getting around to cleaning out the attic? Before you toss out Grandma's collection of brass reindeer and plastic lawn Santas, make sure they're not worth a fortune. Vintage Christmas ...
Many of us get stressed out by our jobs. There’s the pressure to perform well and the self-doubt that occurs if we’re passed up for a promotion or our career path doesn’t go as planned. While it’s ...
One of the most amazing things about America is its diversity of cuisine. In addition to ethnic foods of all types, the U.S. has a history of self-founded restaurants. Some become successes and spawn ...