欧盟设立的哥白尼气候变化服务中心宣布 2024 年夏季是全球和欧洲有记录以来最热的夏季。与2023年年底相比,2024年将出现大面积超过1.5C阈值的地表气温异常,远高于1940年以来有记录以来的所有年份。 更具体来说,这意味着 2024 年 2023 月是全球最热的 5 月(与 ...
Innovative startup from Ethereum Core research, Google Brain, Stanford, MIT, and CMU aims to democratize on-device intelligence, empowering users with control over their personal AI, and receiving ...
广告商披露:Securities.io 致力于严格的编辑标准,为我们的读者提供准确的评论和评级。 当您点击我们评论的产品链接时,我们可能会收到补偿。 ESMA:差价合约是复杂的工具,并且由于杠杆作用而具有快速亏损的高风险。 74-89% 的散户投资者账户在交易差价合约 ...
OKX 扩展OKX Middle East Fintech FZE (OKX Middle East) 是按交易量计算的第二大加密货币交易所和领先的 Web3 技术公司,今天宣布已获得迪拜虚拟资产监管局 (VARA) 颁发的最小可行产品 (MVP) 预备许可证). 阿联酋是 OKX 在全球和该地区的重要战略增长和业务中心,该公司计划 ...
Aleph Zero 将与世界上最大的电信组织合作,帮助为该行业开发标准化的区块链 API 阿莱夫·零一个专为速度、数据保密性和易于开发而设计的区块链生态系统,已正式加入 CAMARA 基金会作为普通会员。这一战略举措标志着将先进的区块链技术与全球电信标准相结合 ...
Securities.io is committed to rigorous editorial standards. We may receive compensation when you click on links to products we review. Please view our affiliate disclosure. Trading involves risk which ...
Crypto Content Creator Campus (CCCC), a groundbreaking initiative designed to empower and inspire the next generation of crypto influencers, is thrilled to announce its official launch in Dubai this ...
Morpheus.Network, the leading supply chain middleware, has announced that it has over 5000 nodes staked since it launched its innovative Trust.Supply Network. The program has already seen over 11.2 ...
Forex Expo Dubai 2024 is the premier event for the global trading community, offering a platform for industry leaders, investors, and professionals to connect, learn, and explore the latest trends in ...
MatrixPort, a leading digital asset financial services platform and exSat, a breakthrough Bitcoin scalability solution, have ...
1inch is thrilled to unveil Fusion+, bringing users cross-chain functionality in an upgrade of the intent-based swap product.
Losing Batteries’ Energy Even after decades of utilizing them in electronics—and now EVs—we still do not fully understand lithium-ion batteries. For example, one such issue is the tendency of ...