If you want to get together with other Ruby programmers, a local user group may be just the thing. Ruby user groups are entirely devoted to Ruby. They typically feature monthly meetings, a mailing ...
A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.
Questo è un breve tutorial che non dovrebbe richiedere più 20 minuti per essere completato. Si presume che tu abbia già installato Ruby sul tuo computer (se non l’hai fatto puoi scaricarlo ed ...
这是个不会超过20分钟的 Ruby 简介。阅读前请您先将 Ruby 安装好。(如果您还没有安装Ruby 的话请到 下载区下载并安装。) 刚才是怎么回事啊?难道我们刚写了世界上最短的 “Hello World” 程序吗? 不是的。第二行显示的只是 IRB 给我们的上一个命令的返回值。
Admettons, pour la bonne continuité de ce tutoriel, que nous voulons tout à coup répéter et répéter encore « Hello World » … mais sans trop nous fatiguer. Il va falloir définir une méthode.
Anda mungkin telah memiliki Ruby yang terpasang di komputer Anda. Anda dapat mengeceknya di dalam sebuah terminal emulator dengan mengetik: Ada banyak jalan untuk memasang Ruby: Pada sebuah sistem ...
динамический язык программирования с открытым исходным кодом с упором на простоту и ...
Python is another very nice general purpose programming language. Going from Python to Ruby, you’ll find that there’s a little bit more syntax to learn than with Python.
Java is mature. It’s tested. And it’s fast (contrary to what the anti-Java crowd may still claim). It’s also quite verbose. Going from Java to Ruby, expect your code size to shrink down considerably.
Ce court tutoriel ne devrait pas prendre plus de vingt minutes de votre temps. Il part du principe que vous avez déjà installé Ruby ; si ce n’est pas le cas, il vous est chaleureusement conseillé de ...
Math é um módulo nativo para funções matemáticas. Os módulos têm dois papeis em Ruby. Este é um desses papeis: agrupar métodos semelhantes sob um nome familiar. Math também contém métodos como sin() e ...
Здесь представлено небольшое введение в Ruby, которое должно занять не более двадцати минут. Предполагается, что вы уже установили Ruby. (Если на вашем компьютере нет Ruby, скачайте и установите ...