Jysk continues to grow spectacularly: in 2023, sales rose 7.6 % to 5.6 billion euros. For 2025, the chain also plans to ...
Last week, Lidl launched new packaging for its Freeway private label soft drinks. Experts say the design does “refer” to Coca-Cola’s very much, but “that is exactly the intention”. The slogan “New ...
(Advertorial) The supermarket industry is characterized by high competition and low profit margins. From toiletries to packaged foods, these products are frequently purchased by consumers due to their ...
Veja is ‘near-shoring’: the sustainable trainer brand is transferring its manufacturing from Brazil to Portugal to reduce its ...
After announcing its most successful financial year yet, Danish chain Søstrene Grene wants to accelerate its international ...
The Belgian tax and customs authorities are claiming 1.5 billion euros from Nike in a dispute over import duties. Disputes over the interpretation of customs legislation are becoming increasingly ...
According to a new study, Belgians buy online with their wallets in mind. So what does the online shopper look like?
Tupperware is said to be filing for protection from creditors this week, a further (but as of yet unconfirmed) episode in a downward saga.
The principles behind lab-grown meat can also be applied to plants, such as cotton, coffee, and cocoa, according to cleantech ...
Cheap Monday, a former denim label of the H&M Group, is back. The brand now targets Gen Z youth and can be found at limited ...
Zalando is refreshing its brand identity and launching an autumn-winter campaign featuring celebrities and influencers.
Younger consumers do still like to shop in physical stores, preferably in the city. Experience and advice are decisive ...