The adrenaline rush from running fuels marathon runner Jeslyn Chantler — who is also the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC) ...
À la fois prédateur et proie, la vie du lynx roux des monts Sutton, au Québec, est un subtil équilibre. En se déplaçant furtivement dans la forêt en quête de souris et de lièvres, il doit éviter les ...
What native Ontario species has rough, plated skin and has survived for more than 200 million years? At first guess, you might be thinking of a type of dinosaur, but you’d be wrong. Lake sturgeon, ...
The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) works hard to ensure the best value for our supporters' dollars.
What does it look like? Also called mountain cottontail, Nuttall’s cottontail is a small rabbit that measures up to just under 40 centimetres in length. It looks like a typical cottontail rabbit, with ...
Nicole is the volunteer program intern for southern Alberta. She studied biology at the University of Western Ontario and ...
NCC is the guardian of beautiful St. Peters Harbour and Lake Run Nature Reserve, on the north shore of Prince Edward Island. This protected area consists of properties on either side of the channel, ...
The Lake Superior Biodiversity Conservation Strategy was completed in February 2015. This strategy provides a summary of the health of and threats to the biodiversity of Lake Superior. It presents a ...
You can double the value of your donation with a matching gift from your employer. Join a special group of people dedicated to protecting Canada's precious places with an annual contribution of $1,000 ...
A stark silhouette set against the prairie horizon, whooping cranes claim the title of the tallest bird in North America. This bird species has made a comeback since the 1940s, when there were only 21 ...
The Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Conservation Volunteers program engages people of all ages in the protection of our country's species and natural habitats. It provides a meaningful, hands-on ...
Located in Lake Huron, the internationally significant Manitoulin Island is the largest freshwater island in the world. It supports some of the highest quality alvar habitat on the planet, ...