Derudover ønskede Specsavers at anvende Insights Discovery som et strategisk værktøj til at puste liv i deres globale ...
It’s becoming increasingly evident that the psychological principles underlying human sporting performance, such as mental toughness, mindset and motivation, are just as important as the physical ones ...
At the very start of the self-awareness journey is Insights Discovery. A psychometric tool based on the psychology of Carl Jung, Insights Discovery is built to help people understand themselves, ...
Successful relationships are the key to a successful business. How people work with those around them directly impacts the productivity and profitability of an organisation, so it's critical that ...
We help people understand themselves better as individuals and leaders. We know that learning and development isn't a check-box exercise. It's not just a day out of the office. It's more than team ...
What is the Change Curve? The Change Curve is a popular and powerful model used to understand the stages of personal transition and organizational change. It helps you predict how people will react to ...
Jouez à notre jeu des couleurs pour avoir un aperçu rapide de votre mode de fonctionnement. Découvrez la signification des couleurs dominantes qui vous seront révélées : Bleu Frais, Vert Calme, Jaune ...
“My leadership on diversity is vision driven from a business point of view and value-driven at the foundation.” – Mikael Ohlsson, IKEA Although the importance of diversity to bottom-line success has ...
Insights Discovery is our transformational experience for learners all over the world. It brings psychology to life in an accessible, practical model that shows people how understanding themselves ...
Worldwide, only 13% of employees consider themselves to be fully engaged, according to leading industry research. Not only that, but replacing an employee costs, on average, more than £30,000. These ...
Ved hjælp af Insights Discovery øger vi menneskers selvindsigt, så de får mulighed for at præstere på et endnu højere niveau. Vi ønsker at fremme effektive arbejdsrelationer ved at forbedre ...
With 59% of employees working in a hybrid team structure, navigating ways of working is crucial. Can the shift to hybrid shake traditional foundations or provide the best of both worlds? Research ...