拜登政府的威慑行动在阿富汗、乌克兰及中东地区连遭失败,但其中国政策依然值得称道。这届政府巩固了与亚洲盟友的关系,限制了中国获取美国关键技术的能力,也支持与中国竞争的两党共识。然而,拜登政府还是落入了一个司空见惯的陷阱,白白浪费了 ...
He could enact the analyst Sumantra Maitra’s widely circulated “dormant NATO” proposal, in which the U.S. military would ...
One of the biggest such myths is that Reagan had a plan to bring down the “evil empire” and that it was his pressure that led ...
Combined with the economic and military lifeline it is providing Russia, China’s industrial overcapacity—that is, its ...
Over the past 25 years, the United States and India have deepened their cooperation, transforming a relationship that was ...
Lynn Kuok is the Lee Kuan Yew Chair in Southeast Asia Studies at the Brookings Institution and a Senior Research Fellow at ...
The evidence suggests that on Ukraine, Putin simply is not persuadable; he is all in. For him, preventing Ukraine from ...
The offensive has yet to draw significant Russian forces from Ukraine’s eastern regions, and it remains unclear how Ukraine’s ...
But liberals’ fears that this year would reflect the global triumph of illiberal populism have so far been proved wrong.
Unfortunately, rather than declaring a victory that would allow Israelis and Americans to welcome home the hostages now dying ...
Before making an assessment, it is important to consider just how militarily valuable deep strikes would be for Ukraine —how, ...
In the Golan Heights and Cyprus, peacekeepers are monitoring and preserving cease-fires. In the Central African Republic, the ...