Boethius was the one man most responsible for bequeathing classical learning to the West, to survive the Dark Ages to come, until the Medieval world should burst forth in its wonderful light. Join the ...
The central problem of the Church today is that most of the generation now becoming adults simply do not know Jesus Christ. We do, said John. Your Church teaches that he is really present there, yes?
The Passion of Christ, from the Latin patior meaning “suffer,” refers to those sufferings our Lord endured for our redemption from the agony in the garden until His death on Calvary. The Passion ...
What is the actual date of the birth of Christ? One would think that if anyone's date of birth were remembered exactly, it would be that of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, the gospels do not ...
Aristotle, Anselm, Aquinas, Liebniz, and William Lane Craig provide famous reasons to believe that God exists. Less well known is a way proposed by the African intellectual Augustine.
Join the worldwide Magnificat family by subscribing now: Your prayer life will never be the same! Childhood of the Virgin by Francisco de Zurbarán, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. It appears ...
Dave Brubeck (1920–2012), as a great American musician and composer, is known throughout the world. He was a pioneer of improvisational jazz piano whose precision and complex rhythms blended with the ...
Those who have suffered much—especially in the loss of loved ones—often find that Christmas renews and even intensifies the suffering.