It is likely that Latvian-German joint venture light-bulb manufacturer Vermerk will be sold to investors from Russia or Ukraine, as newspaper "Biznes&Baltija" reports today. Management of the plant, ...
. Книги не читает 41% жителей Латвии, показал новейший опрос "Латвийский барометр Baltic International Bank". Из читающих книги респондентов 22% чаще всего читают произведения современных иностранных ...
Вчера в подъезде дома по ул. Чака, 47 в Риге был ранен журналист интернет-портала Леонид Якобсон. Об этом свидетельствует имеющаяся в распоряжении агентства LETA информация. Журналист ...
The retail sector is going to see major price reduction initiatives next year, LETA was told at Maxima Latvija retail company. The trend will be brought about by increasingly stiff competition among ...
London's Shakespeare Globe theatre commenced the "Globe to Globe" festival, which will showcase performances of every single Shakespear's play, Lithuania's Hamlet directed by Eimuntas Nekrosius, The ...
Commander of Estonian defense forces Lt. Gen. Riho Terras on December 12th unveiled in Tallinn the memorial bust of British Admiral Sir Edwyn Alexander-Sinclair who supported the Estonian people in ...
Hugo Osula, the major owner MootorReisi AS, which is operating under trademark Eurolines Baltic, bought 40% of MootorReisi from German bus operator Deutsche Touring Gmbh, Äripäev/LETA reports. Osula ...
В четверг в Вильнюс вернулись десять белых ангелов скульптора Вайдотаса Рамошки, сообщает LETA/ELTA. "Ангелы, прилетевшие в столицу, согреют сердца жителей Вильнюса и снова станут символом ...
From 23 August until 26 October 2014, at the Arsenāls Exhibition Hall of the Latvian National Museum of Art (1 Torņa Street, Riga), on view will be comprehensive retrospective of work by world ...
Средняя месячная брутто зарплата в Литве (кроме индивидуальных предприятий) за четвертый квартал 2013 года составила 2340,2 литов: в государственном секторе — 2456,4 литов, в частном секторе — 2273 ...
According to a survey, which purpose was to clarify what eye color the people of Latvia have, turned out that the most common eye color among citizens of Latvia is bluish-grey. The research, which was ...
Although negotiations on possibly opening "McDonald's" restaurants in Daugavpils (southeastern Latvia) and Liepaja (southwestern Latvia) are under way, the company would like to open the first branch ...