Like many of the New York School painters of the 1940s, Mark Rothko was largely influenced by Surrealism, creating symbolic abstractions comprised of biomorphic and mythological forms. By 1947 he ...
Teen Audio Guide Opportunities for Teens My Chicagos: A Virtual Gallery Work at the museum for a semester, summer, or school year. Make art, get hands-on museum experience, and design events and ...
James McNeill Whistler painted marine subjects throughout his career. For several years beginning in 1855, the expatriate American artist divided his time between London and Paris; in the latter, he ...
Marc Chagall made America Windows to celebrate the US Bicentennial and presented them as a gift to the Art Institute of Chicago in 1977. The windows merge symbols of US history, the Chicago skyline, ...
Like his artistic hero, Paul Cezanne, Henri Matisse merged the traditional and the avant-garde. In Still Life with Geranium, he transformed a simple still life into a populated Arcadian landscape ...
In 1966 Carl Andre revolutionized sculpture by pioneering works that lie flat on the ground rather than rising up and occupying space. Andre invites viewers to walk upon his sculptures so that they ...
Maria Elena Vieira da Silva. Composition, 1936/37. Bequest of Maxine Kunstadter.
CHICAGO — The Art Institute of Chicago is honored to announce a $75 million gift from Aaron I. Fleischman and Lin Lougheed that will support the museum’s future campus vision. This generous gift—the ...
Following the example of the revolutionary early seventeenth-century artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Bartolomeo Manfredi chose to depict ordinary individuals in his scenes from the Bible and ...
Marc Chagall had a prolific career that spanned more than eight decades of the twentieth century. While his work often exhibits influences of the contemporary movements he encountered in France and ...
The monumental stacks that Claude Monet depicted in his series Stacks of Wheat rose fifteen to twenty feet and stood just outside the artist’s farmhouse at Giverny. Through 1890 and 1891, he worked on ...
Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21–25 (about 1069–664 BCE) ...