The UNSD Glossary of Environment Statistics which was published in 1997, is a quick reference tool for terms and definitions relevant to environmental data production and use. It covers the areas of ...
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) collects and compiles international labour migration statistics. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) collects and compiles data on ...
Improving data disaggregation is fundamental for the full implementation of the SDG indicator framework to fulfil the ambition of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable of leaving no one behind. The United ...
The website of the United Nations Disability Statistics Programme aims to facilitate the international exchange and sharing of technical knowledge and information in the area of disability statistics ...
Introduction Statistics Standards and methods Demographic Yearbook data collection system The United Nations Statistics Division is responsible at an international level for collecting data on ...
The Good Practices Database, established in 2000, provides reference material from countries on the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, in particular examples of policies and practices in ...
- collecting official national data on natality and mortality, that is on fertility, foetal deaths and deaths. Data on natality have been collected from national statistical offices and disseminated ...
The decline of extreme poverty continues, but the pace has slowed, and the world is not on track to achieving the target of ending poverty by 2030. Extreme poverty today is concentrated and ...
In 2018, the Statistical Commission, in its decision 49/105, created a subgroup on open data under the Friends of the Chair group on the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (FOC-FPOS) to ...
Other agencies or organizations that deal with population size and structure include United Nations Population Division prepares United Nations estimates and projections of population by age and sex ...
The Population and Vital Statistics Report presents most recent data on population size (total, male and female) from the latest available census of the population, national official population ...
Table 1 - Population, rate of increase, birth and death rates, land area and density for the world, major areas and regions: selected years pdf xls Notes - pdf Table 2 - Estimates of population and ...