See our Launch and Introduction about the launch of the © Urban Cartoon Syndicate and the announcement by CityHallWatch.
With temperatures heating up due to climate change, tree canopies have an important role to play in shading and cooling ...
Engineer, father, husband, mentor, friend, coach, mountaineer. Calgary CA. Tīrau​​​​​​​ NZ. Matamata College. U of Auckland.
We discovered new avenues of the city we would have never found unless we had a reason to be there. Many places were sitting ...
See our Launch and Introduction about the launch of the © Urban Cartoon Syndicate and the announcement by CityHallWatch.
Jutta Mason is an urban dynamo. The soul behind the revitalization of Dufferin Grove Park, she is the yeast that spawned the community bread oven that has been the hallmark of community revitalization ...
Francesca Bouaoun paddles her kayak around the West Island of Ontario Place to check if the trees are still standing. (Photo: Francesca Bouaoun) Every week this summer Francesca Bouaoun has launched ...
When Douglas Counter heads out the front door of his Etobicoke home to appreciate the day’s new blooms, he doesn’t have to go far. The flowers are waiting for him right in his yard, including the city ...
Each week we will be focusing on blogs from around the world dealing specifically with urban environments. We’ll be on the lookout for websites outside ...
One of Spacing’s favorite civic events is the Heritage Toronto Awards night at the Carlu. It’s a night when Toronto boosters, architecture ...
With so many challenges facing urban environments, it’s difficult for urban planning and design professionals to see where they might fit in and how to act, especially for those with a strong social ...