Having to face new, foreign, or simply different ways of thought is not an exclusively 20th Century experience: “You cannot put charcoal and ice in the same container,” once declared an 12th Century ...
Robert Griffiths argues that humanist ethics has significant limitations. There are many people who do not believe in gods in any sense. Some are fervent atheists, but there are also very uninterested ...
Mark Coffey puts forward five reasons to love and five reasons to loathe the man who has been called “the most influential living philosopher”. Born in Australia in 1946, Peter Singer studied at the ...
Ben Trubody finds that philosophy-phobic physicist Feynman is an unacknowledged philosopher of science. Richard Feynman (1918-88) was one of the greatest physicists of the twentieth century, ...
Gordon Marino explains how we talk ourselves out of doing the right thing. There is a strong movement afoot calling for more ethics classes, workshops and review boards. The presumption is that our ...
Pablo Cevallos Estarellas reviews the developments that caused professional to triumph over amateur philosophy in education, and proposes a way forward. If to do philosophy is to ask questions of a ...
Raymond Tallis on the natural philosophy of the caress. It’s gripping stuff! We humans are unique and cannot be fully explained in biological terms. So, at least, I have argued in several books, ...
Colin Radford considers the wonderful world of modern art. Every significant change in art provokes a reaction. Perhaps that’s a tautology, but that means it’s true. In 15th century Florence, Masaccio ...
Roy Schwartz examines whether the world’s first superhero really was inspired by Nietzsche’s ‘superior man’, and what the Nazis have to do with it. Superman is probably the most famous fictional ...
Ray Liikanen overhears a modern-day Socratic dialogue. Setting: A park, where Socrates spots a man leafing through one of the three books he has on him. Socrates notes the titles, and since he’s ...
Raymond Tallis takes time to think beyond time. “The English are not a very spiritual people, so they invented cricket to give them an idea of eternity.” George Bernard Shaw It wouldn’t surprise me if ...
Let us begin by interpreting the ideal of liberty as a negative ideal in the manner favored by libertarians. So understood, liberty is the absence of interference by other people from doing what one ...